
What is RuckZuck

RuckZuck is a free Software Package Manager for Windows, designed to keep the Software on your System(s) up to date even if the Software was not installed with RuckZuck.

The Tool provides an easy graphical User-Interface to install or upgrade software with just a few clicks. It also provides a wizard to create and upload new Software entries to the repository. So if you miss a software, create a new record !

What does RuckZuck mean ?

"RuckZuck" is a German word for something that happens instantly.

How does it work...

RuckZuck knows the links to the latest versions of Software and the parameters how the software can be installed silently. So if you update or install a software, the tool does download the file(s) from the vendor's web-site, verifies that the file is valid (based on Hash values) and just triggers a silent install.

There is no guarantee that the installation is working, because vendors can change URL's and Filenames. If an installation fails, please fill out the feedback form that pops up with as much details as possible or create and upload a fixed software record.

Important: The data sent to the backend DB is anonymized and does not contain any user or device information.

What's about Software licenses ?

The RuckZuck repository does not store binaries of the Software, just the links to where the software can be downloaded. Installing Software with RuckZuck does not grant you a license for that Product.

When you install Software with RuckZuck, you confirm that you have read and agree with the license agreements and restrictions of the software you install.

I'm missing Software in the Repository...

The reasons can be:

Is RuckZuck free ?

The RuckZuck Client tools are provided as free software. The server infrastructure is owned and maintained by ROMAWO GmbH. The public infrastructure is sponsored by some generous companies.